
发布人: 院领导     发布时间: 2018-01-12     浏览次数: 16892
























主要从事工程结构振动控制、先进材料/结构力学、非线性动力学、时滞系统动力学以及智能系统等方面的研究。在Nonlinear Dynamics, Engineering Structures, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, ChaosMechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Acta Mechanica, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Neurocomputing, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文近40篇,其中第一/通讯作者SCI检索论文近30篇。



担任国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、《动力学与控制学报》青年编委、《应用力学学报》青年编委、教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心评审专家等。担任全国动力学载荷与设计学术会议、全国现代数学和力学学术会议等学术委员会委员,以及International Conference on Mechanical System Dynamics等会议的分会场主席。担任国内外四十多个知名期刊的审稿人。




1.        2003/9-2009/6  南京航空航天大学  一般力学与力学基础  硕博连读研究生  博士

2.        1999/9-2003/6  中国矿业大学  工程力学  本科  学士



1.        2009/7-至今   河海大学讲师、副教授、教授、博士生导师

2.        2016/10-2017/10  美国加州大学伯克利分校土木与环境系访问学者



1.        结构力学(本科生课程)

2.        振动力学(本科生、硕士生课程)

3.        结构动力学(本科生课程)

4.        非线性动力学(博士生课程)

5.        结构振动控制及应用(硕士生课程)



1.        工程结构振动控制

2.        超材料/结构力学

3.        非线性动力学

4.        时滞系统动力学与控制



1.        江苏省振动工程学会智能系统动力学专业委员会主任委员

2.        中国振动工程学会动力学载荷与设计专业委员会委员

3.        中国力学学会理性力学与力学中的数学方法专业委员会委员

4.        中国力学学会动力学与控制专业委员会神经动力学专业组委员

5.        江苏省振动工程学会非线性振动专业委员会委员

6.        《动力学与控制学报》青年编委

7.        《应用力学学报》青年编委



1.          时滞非线性减振系统的动力学分析与优化研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研,负责人

2.          复杂时滞耦合系统的动态特性及其调控机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研,负责人

3.          时滞效应下多网络耦合系统的动力学研究,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,在研,负责人

4.          时滞诱发的非线性耦合系统复杂动力学的理论和实验研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,结题,负责人

5.        时滞神经网络复杂动力学与控制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,结题,负责人

6.        时滞神经网络的非线性动力学研究,教育部高等学校博士点基金项目,结题,负责人



1.      Mao, XC*, Ding, WJ. Dynamics of a nonlinear vibration absorption system with time delay. Nonlinear Dynamics, 112: 5177-5193, 2024.

2.      Fan, XL, Mao, XC*. Tunable bandgaps of a metamaterial beam with nonlinear magnetic resonators. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024, Accepted.

3.      Liu, ZQ, Mao, XC*. Dynamical analysis of a stay cable with a nonlinear energy sink and time-delayed feedback control. Engineering Structures, 2024, Accepted.

4.      Ji, YS, Mao, XC*. Spatiotemporal dynamics of a modified FitzHugh-Nagumo neuronal network with time delays. Nonlinear Dynamics, 112: 7571-7582, 2024.

5.      Dong, YH, Hu, HY*, Wang, LF, Mao, XC. Nonlinear coupled multi-mode vibrations of simply-supported cylindrical shells: Comparison studies. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 128: 107667, 2024.

6.      Mao, XC*, Ding, WJ. Nonlinear dynamics and optimization of a vibration reduction system with time delay. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 122: 107220, 2023.

7.      Mao, XC*, Zhang, LF, Fan XL. Wave attenuation of a multi-span continuous beam with variable cross-sections. Acta Mechanica, 234: 1451-1464, 2023.

8.      Ji YS, Shen JW, Mao XC. Pattern formation of brusselator in the reaction-diffusion system. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 16(3&4): 434-459, 2023.  

9.      Mao, XC*, Lei, FC. Stability analysis and coexisting behaviors of a delayed multiplex network under electromagnetic radiation. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 32(10): 2250148, 2022.

10.  Hu, DL, Mao, XC*, Han, L. Stochastic stability analysis of a fractional viscoelastic plate excited by Gaussian white noise. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 177: 109181, 2022.

11.  Ding, WJ, Mao, XC*, Qiao, L, Guan, MJ, Shao, MQ. Delay-induced instability and oscillations in a multiplex neural system with Fitzhugh-Nagumo networks. Electronic Research Archive, 30(3): 1075-1086, 2022.

12.  Mao, XC*,Li, XL, Ding WJ, et al. Dynamics of a multiplex neural network with delayed couplings. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 42(3): 441-456, 2021.

13.  Mao, XC*, Lei, FC, Li, XY, et al. Multiple bifurcations and complex responses of nonlinear time-delay oscillators. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 16(11): 111001, 2021.

14.  Mao, XC*, Ding, WJ, Zhou, XY, et al. Complexity in time-delay networks of multiple interacting neural groups, Electronic Research Archive, 29(5): 2973-2985, 2021.

15.  Mao, XC*, Zhou, XY, Shi, TT, et al. Dynamical analysis of coupled bidirectional FHN neuronal networks with multiple delays. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 14: 061002, 2019.

16.  Mao, XC*, Sun, JQ, Li, SF. Dynamics of delay-coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo neural rings. Chaos, 28(1): 013104, 2018.

17.  Mao, XC*. Bifurcations and synchronization of delay-coupled neuronal networks with autaptic connections. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 28(6): 1850071, 2018.

18.  Mao, XC*. Complicated dynamics of a ring of non-identical FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons with delayed couplings. Nonlinear Dynamics, 87(4): 2395-2406, 2017.

19.  Mao, XC*, Wang, ZH. Stability, bifurcation, and synchronization of delay-coupled ring neural networks. Nonlinear Dynamics, 84(2): 1063-1078, 2016.

20.  Mao, XC*. Bifurcation, synchronization, and multi-stability of two interacting networks with multiple time delays. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 26(9): 1650156, 2016.

21.  Mao, XC*, Wang, ZH. Stability switches and bifurcation in a system of four coupled neural networks with multiple time delays. Nonlinear Dynamics, 82(3): 1551-1567, 2015.

22.  Mao, XC*. Switches of oscillations in coupled networks with multiple time delays. Neurocomputing, 110: 1-8, 2013.

23.  Mao, XC*. Stability switches, bifurcation, and multi-stability of coupled networks with time delays. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(11): 6263-6274, 2012.

24.  Mao, XC*. Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of a pair of three-neuron loops with time delays. Nonlinear Dynamics, 68(1): 151-159, 2012.

25.  Mao, XC, Hu, HY*. Stability and bifurcation analysis of a network of four neurons with time delays. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 5(4): 041001, 2010.

26.  Mao, XC, Hu, HY*. Hopf bifurcation analysis of a four-neuron network with multiple time delays. Nonlinear Dynamics, 55(1-2): 95-112, 2009.

27.  Mao, XC, Hu, HY*. Dynamics of a delayed four-neuron network with a short-cut connection: analytical, numerical and experimental studies. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 10(4): 523-538, 2009.

28.  Mao, XC, Hu, HY*. Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a delayed network of four neurons with a short-cut connection. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 18(10): 3053-3072, 2008.

29.  管明杰,茅晓晨*. 含时滞轨道吸振器的建筑结构的动力学分析[J].动力学与控制学报,21(8)68-742023.

30.  王松, 茅晓晨*. 含时滞的忆阻耦合HR神经元的复杂放电行为[J]. 动力学与控制学报,18(1)33-392020.

31.  施添添,茅晓晨*. 时滞耦合Van der Pol-Duffing振子环的动力学分析[J]. 动力学与控制学报17(3)264-2692019.

32.  乔磊,茅晓晨*. 时滞诱发的忆阻型Hopfield神经网络复杂动力学[J]. 动力学与控制学报17(4)384-3902019.

33.  茅晓晨. 时滞耦合系统动力学的研究进展[J]. 动力学与控制学报[J], 15(4): 295-306, 2017.



1.        江苏省优秀博士学位论文奖

2.        全国结构力学及弹性力学课程青年教师讲课竞赛二等奖

3.        河海大学优秀创新人才支持计划

4.        江苏省力学学会“学会工作先进个人”

5.        河海大学优秀班导师



目前指导博士生、硕士生10余名。其中,博士生姬艳苏在Nonlinear Dynamics等期刊上发表SCI论文3篇,获得江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目;博士生刘智群在Engineering Structures等期刊上发表SCI论文1篇,中文核心期刊论文2篇;博士生丁炜杰在Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical SimulationNonlinear Dynamics等期刊上发表SCI论文4篇;博士生范鑫磊在Nonlinear Dynamics等期刊上发表SCI论文6篇;博士生郭之熙在Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures工程力学等期刊上发表SCI论文3篇、EI论文1篇;博士生李坤获得河海大学优秀研究生,申请发明专利2项。



