Notice on the Course of Water Harmony Lectures




 “中国国情教育(水韵课堂)” (硕士课程号为2022LM110002,博士课程号为2022LD110002)是留学生的必修课,主要内容为介绍中国与水相关知识。本学期该课程设10个专题讲座,现已全部在“河海大学课堂在线”平台上线,每个专题讲座含有讲授视频、支撑材料和习题。学习课程的流程如下:

1. 31日前,登录研究生系统注册课程(具体操作流程详见附件2

2. 315日至415日期间,登录“河海大学课堂在线”平台(具体操作流程详见附件3)自行安排时间完成线上学习、提交习题答案。

3. 520日之后,登录研究生系统查看成绩。专题讲座负责人将根据学生线上学习情况和习题完成情况给出成绩,10个专题讲座成绩均为合格者,将获得学分。

附件: 1.“水韵课堂”专题简介

2. 研究生系统注册流程

3. 授课平台使用指南




Notice on the Course of Water Harmony Lectures

Dear international graduate students

The Course of Water Harmony Lectures (2022LM110002 for master and 2022LD110002 for Ph.D.), is a compulsory course required in the program for all doctoral and master's students. The main content is to introduce China's water and related situations. In this semester, the course has 10 special lectures, all of which have been launched on the "Online Teaching Platform of Hohai University." Each special lecture contains teaching videos, supporting materials, and exercises. The procedure to take this course is as follows:

1. Before March 1, log in to the graduate system to register for courses (see Attachment 2 for the specific operationprocedure)

2. From March 15 to April 15, log in to the "Online Teaching Platform of Hohai University" (see Attachment 3 for the specific operation procedure) and arrange time to complete online learning and submit exercises.

3. After May 20, log in to the graduate system to view the results. The lecturer in charge of the special lecture will give scores according to the student's online learning and the completion of exercises. If the scores of the 10 special lectures are qualified, you will eventually obtain thecredit.

Attachment: 1. Introduction of Water Harmony Lectures

2. Graduate system registrationprocedure

3. Instruction of Online Teaching Platform of HohaiUniversity

International School

Feb. 27, 2024



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