关于2020年春季学期留学研究生课程安排Notice on the graduate courses of 2020 Spring







1.  请结合自己的专业培养方案,在与导师沟通后,在北京时间216日前登录研究生系统(http://yjs.hhu.edu.cn/hhu/)中注册并选课。留学生课程可在Courses in the programCourses in other disciplines中查找。Courses in other program是为中国学生开设的课程,如需选修,请先征得导师和任课老师的同意,并按照相关要求完成线上/线下的学习。

2.  在未确定返校时间时,目前拟定所有第1周至第8周开始的课程将先组织线上授课(附件中标黄底色的课程)。请选修此类课程的同学,扫描二维码加入线上群组(如无法加入请联系课程联络人邀请加入),加入群组后,请将群中昵称改为自己的学号。

3.  线上课程学习要求如下:请按照任课老师的要求完成网上的课程学习。同时,请保证在授课时间时微信在线,任课老师将在群中提问、答疑、布置作业等。第8周及之前结课的课程,需按要求完成课程作业并通过考核,方可取得学分。第8周之后结束的课程可能还将进行课堂教学,请关注后续通知。

4.  8周之后开始的课程安排请关注后续通知。


1.  未在研究生系统中成功选课;

2.  线上教学的课程没有加入线上教学群组;

3.  未按要求提交课程作业或通过课程考核。










Notice on the graduate courses of 2020 Spring


Dear international graduate students

According to the arrangement of the university, all students are not allowed to return to university before February 29 (the specific time of returning to university will be notified depending on the situation of epidemic prevention and control). The spring semester 2020 teaching work will be officially launched on February 17 (the first week of the teaching week) in an online mode first, and whether to switch to offline teaching later will be notified according to the situation of epidemic prevention and control.

The arrangement of the teaching plan for international graduate students is hereby announced as follows.

1. Please register and select courses in the graduate online system (http://yjs.hhu.edu.cn/hhu/) before Feb. 16(Beijing time) according to your own program and also communicate with the supervisor. Courses for international students can be found in the Buttons “courses in the program” and “courses in other disciplines”. The Button “Courses in other program” is the courses taught in Chinese for Chinese students. If you want to select the course with Chinese students, please get approval of the supervisor and the lecturer in advance, and you need to complete the online / offline learning according to the relevant requirements.

2. As the date of back to school is not determined, online teaching will be organized for all courses from the 1st week to the 8th week (See Annex, the courses with yellow background). Please scan the QR code to join the online group (if you can't join, please contact the course contact person for invitation). After joining the group, please change the nickname in the group to your student number.

3. The requirements for online course learning are as follows: Please complete the online course learning according to the requirements of the lecturer. At the same time, please make sure that you are online in the online group during the teaching time, and the lecturer will ask questions, answer questions and assign assignments in the group then. For the courses concluded in the 8th week and before, the credits can only be obtained after completing the course assignments and passing the assessment as required. There may also be classroom teaching system for courses that end after week 8, please follow the further notice.

4. Please pay attention to the follow-up notice for the course starting after week 8.

Please note that you will not be able to get credit for the course if:

1. Fail to select courses in the online system;

2. Fail to join in the online group for the course of Week 1 to Week 8;

3. Fail to submit course assignment or pass course assessment as required.


If there is any problem in the course selection of online system, please send an email to ie_academic@hhu.edu.cn.

If you have any questions about joining the group, please contact each course contact person.

Thanks to all the College representatives who work as the course contact person.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Please continue to pay attention to the public wechat account (Hohai-IS) of International School of Hohai University.


International School of Hohai University.

February 12, 2020

2020SpringCourseArrangement for GraduateStudents.pdf


QR-Code and College Representitave.pdf

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